What a day yesterday was. I was so blessed to be asked to be apart of Bethany and Lee’s day. First let me tell you Bethany is Superwoman! She got to the hospital 6 am Saturday… and labored finally had her sweet girl at 6pm SUNDAY night, with no medication. The whole experience for me as a momma myself was just pure magic. I got to the hospital at 4:45pm Sunday Bethany’s contraction were about 4.5 min apart and she was 8 cm. Her midwife came in and told her to get this show on the road we must up her potocin. Bethany wasn’t a fan of this idea but after upping the potocin and a shower to relax her and much progress was made and it was time to push. It was a busy day in baby land and Bethany’s Mid-wife had 4 other ladies in labor at the same time.. and when it came to Avery’s birth she was in a different room and Bethany’s AMAZING nurse DELIVERED Miss Avery without skipping a beat.
A huge thank you to Bethany and Lee, Avery Jo is perfect! I’m so thankful you let me capture this moment<3
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