Seven19’s new look

As some of you may have noticed Seven19 was in need of a major facelift. I am so grateful for the talented people in My life that helped make that happen. My dear friend Whitney Emberton Jones took on this task and she did so so well. I am so thankful for her ability to make my vision in my head a reality.

  Here is our new logo 😍

The website is ~80% finished just needing to add my *love letters* section. You can check that out here.

Then I also had an awesome videographer John Wakim of Your dream film works help me put together a small about me video. (Which is way harder than you think) 

You can check that out here 🙂
For those of you who are new followers hello! I’m so happy to have you! Lots of fun and exciting things to come for Seven19! So keep your eyes peeled!

If you have any questions please never hesitate to send me an email! 

Thanks for reading-


A huge thank you to both Whitney and John for all your amazing talent! I am so grateful for you both!!

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