It was really a no brainer for me when I decided to do Christmas mini’s I just hoped I had enough interest in them. So I threw it out on my client page that I was thinking about it and WHOA LOTS of interest! I am so thankful for clients who trust in my *vision* They know when it comes to Christmas I don’t mess around it is MY FAVORITE time of the year. So I called around to different farms. I knew *this farm* was the one I really wanted! With a donation to Tree’s for troops we could use their property! ((( *side note* I HIGHLY recommend IF you do the real Christmas tree thing THIS IS YOUR PLACE! Even if you do not get a real tree they have a gorgeous wreath shop and gift shop and SOOOOO many yummy goodies! #shamelessplug #ilovethisfarm )))
Now praying my clients wouldn’t bail due to a drive… I pitched it and WOW! I filled day #1 and then was begged to open day #2 and filled it the same day! So each family session ended up being 15/25 min long *still kinda chilly out so once I knew I had what I needed I let them leave*
Lets take a moment to admire this set up! I am completely *obsessed* 🙂
Day #1
Day #2
Thank you Thank you everyone for a *super* awesome Christmas Mini weekend! Now…. should I make this an Annual event? I would love feedback!
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